Step-wise shift of total energy along with lattice constants

Posted on : February 14, 2017 (Tue) 15:26:41

by 澤田 亮人

Dear researchers,

I calculated bcc-Pt metal/alloy have step-wise shift of total energy at a critical lattice costants.

bcc-Pt metal is known to be ubstable, however the total energy after the shift is sometimes lower than its stable (fcc-Pt) energy.

I am afraid this will prevent from estimating stable crystal structure in alloy. How can I avoid such a kind of trouble?

Best wishes,

[Same question in Japanese]
bccのPt合金などで特定の格子定数において、階段状のtotal energyのシフトが発生するようです。Ptは本来fccであるものですが、bcc-Ptのエネルギーのシフト後のtotal energyはfccのものより少なくなってしまいます。

