parallel calculation

Posted on : June 29, 2016 (Wed) 21:38:01

by Brix

I tried recently the code calculation to perform a DOS calculation on beta FeSi2 because I'm a user of VASP and I wanted to check out this code on a known density of states before performing further calculation. My DOS is absolutely wrong so I would like someone to help me improve my input file.
Here it is c----------------------FeSi2----------------------------------
go data/FeSi2
c brvtyp a c/a b/a alpha beta gamma
so 18.6684 , 0.78995 , 0.79369, , , ,
c edelt ewidth reltyp sdftyp magtyp record
0.001 1.5 sra mjw mag init
c outtyp bzqlty maxitr pmix
update 3 200 0.03
c ntyp
c type ncmp rmt field mxl anclr conc
Si 1 1 0.0 2
14 100
Fe 1 1 0.0 2
26 100
c natm
c atmicx atmtyp
0.1265171517094217 0.0446015906003794 0.2729726787751403 Si
0.8734828182905758 0.9553983943996229 0.7270272912248572 Si
0.8734828182905758 0.4553983943996229 0.7729727087751428 Si
0.1265171517094217 0.5446016056003771 0.2270273212248597 Si
0.8734828182905758 0.5446016056003771 0.2270273212248597 Si
0.1265171517094217 0.4553983943996229 0.7729727087751428 Si
0.1265171517094217 0.9553983943996229 0.7270272912248572 Si
0.8734828182905758 0.0446015906003794 0.2729726787751403 Si
0.6265171817094242 0.5446016056003771 0.2729726787751403 Si
0.3734828482905783 0.4553983943996229 0.7270272912248572 Si
0.3734828482905783 0.9553983943996229 0.7729727087751428 Si
0.6265171817094242 0.0446015906003794 0.2270273212248597 Si
0.3734828482905783 0.0446015906003794 0.2270273212248597 Si
0.6265171817094242 0.9553983943996229 0.7729727087751428 Si
0.6265171817094242 0.4553983943996229 0.7270272912248572 Si
0.3734828482905783 0.5446016056003771 0.2729726787751403 Si
0.1282169582562460 0.2736468728684613 0.0496612924990245 Si
0.8717830417437540 0.7263530971315433 0.9503387335009705 Si
0.8717830417437540 0.2263531271315387 0.5496612664990295 Si
0.1282169582562460 0.7736469028684567 0.4503387045009717 Si
0.8717830417437540 0.7736469028684567 0.4503387045009717 Si
0.1282169582562460 0.2263531271315387 0.5496612664990295 Si
0.1282169582562460 0.7263530971315433 0.9503387335009705 Si
0.8717830417437540 0.2736468728684613 0.0496612924990245 Si
0.6282169582562460 0.7736469028684567 0.0496612924990245 Si
0.3717830417437540 0.2263531271315387 0.9503387335009705 Si
0.3717830417437540 0.7263530971315433 0.5496612664990295 Si
0.6282169582562460 0.2736468728684613 0.4503387045009717 Si
0.3717830417437540 0.2736468728684613 0.4503387045009717 Si
0.6282169582562460 0.7263530971315433 0.5496612664990295 Si
0.6282169582562460 0.2263531271315387 0.9503387335009705 Si
0.3717830417437540 0.7736469028684567 0.0496612924990245 Si
0.0000000000000000 0.3072269447421974 0.3121266557251516 Fe
0.0000000000000000 0.6927730552578026 0.6878733142748459 Fe
0.0000000000000000 0.1927730552578026 0.8121266857251541 Fe
0.0000000000000000 0.8072269447421974 0.1878733442748484 Fe
0.5000000000000000 0.8072269447421974 0.3121266557251516 Fe
0.5000000000000000 0.1927730552578026 0.6878733142748459 Fe
0.5000000000000000 0.6927730552578026 0.8121266857251541 Fe
0.5000000000000000 0.3072269447421974 0.1878733442748484 Fe
0.2168152914588646 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Fe
0.7831847385411379 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Fe
0.7831847385411379 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 Fe
0.2168152914588646 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 Fe
0.7168152614588621 0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Fe
0.2831847085411354 0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Fe
0.2831847085411354 0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 Fe
0.7168152614588621 0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 Fe

Furthermore I executed the calculation on 8 processors and 32 and I got the same calculation time.
Do you know where it come from?
Thank you.