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[Re:03] what the output file can give as an information???

Posted on : January 19, 2015 (Mon) 22:30:30

by bibicha

hi hitoshi,
this is the file source/cnsole.f:
subroutine cnsole(iunit,buffer,*)
c This program reads in character string from console (unit=5).
c Lines started with 'c', 'c' or '#' are regarded as comment
c lines and ignored. 'return 1' is executed when end of file is
c detected.
c Blank cards are simply ignored.
c Commnet line rule should be changed in future. Many users
c apt to use inputs starting by C. For example
c to specify the name of site such as 'Cu'. This obviously
c is understood as a comment line and lead an input error.
c I think admitting only '#' as comment line would be safer.
c coded by H.Akai, April 1992, Osaka
c Last modified by H.Akai, 5 Aug. 1999, Duisburg
implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
character buffer*(*)
buffer=' '
10 read(iunit,'(a)',end=20)buffer
do 30 i=1,len(buffer)
30 if(ichar(buffer(i:i)) .lt. 32 .or.
& ichar(buffer(i:i)) .ge. 128) buffer(i:i)=' '
if(buffer(1:1) .eq. 'c' .or. buffer(1:1) .eq. 'C'
& .or. buffer(1:1) .eq. '#' .or. buffer .eq. ' ') go to 10
20 return 1
