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Replies : 2 Last Post : April 14, 2007 (Sat) 10:27:57


how to run a system of over 30 atoms?

Posted on : April 13, 2007 (Fri) 09:33:45

by zhoul

Dear All:
I am trying to run a system of over 30 atoms.Is it possible to do it with AKAIKKR?

It seems not work by just changing some of the parameters in "specx.f".

Thank you!



Re:how to run a system of over 30 atoms?

Posted on : April 13, 2007 (Fri) 12:35:51

by H. Akai

It is still possible to run for a system with over 30 atoms.
Take care about the following:

1) Decrease the number of k-points in order that the memory
addressing does not overflow (in the case of 32bit addressing
system, such as Pentium 4 with 32bit addressing). This can be
done by decreasing "nk1x". The test run should be done
bu "bzqlty=0" or "bzqlty=1" for which nk1x=1~20 would
be enough.

2) Increase the number aoms that can be handled:
For that increase "natmmx", "ncmpmx", and "msizmx".

For example if you have 30 atoms and for each atom
you would like to calculate up to d states (l=2),
all atoms have different types, each site has a single component
(i.e. not a random alloy) the following parameters are suitable:
natmmx=30, ncmpmx=30, msizmx=270, mxlmx=3



Re^2:how to run a system of over 30 atoms?

Posted on : April 14, 2007 (Sat) 10:27:57

by zhoul

Thank you for your patient guide.

Now I have successfully set the parameters as the following cases:
natmmx=32, ncmpmx=5, msizmx=300, mxlmx=3,nk1x=20,nk3x=21

And in the test input file ,I have 32 atoms and "bzqlty=1".

Howerer ,it couldn't be done successfully.The error message says
"***err in madlng ... negtive volint"

Could it be something wrong with my input file?

Besides,it still could be done when I decresed the number of atoms to about 6.

>It is still possible to run for a system with over 30 atoms.
>Take care about the following:
>1) Decrease the number of k-points in order that the memory
>addressing does not overflow (in the case of 32bit addressing
>system, such as Pentium 4 with 32bit addressing). This can be
>done by decreasing "nk1x". The test run should be done
>bu "bzqlty=0" or "bzqlty=1" for which nk1x=1~20 would
>be enough.
>2) Increase the number aoms that can be handled:
>For that increase "natmmx", "ncmpmx", and "msizmx".
>For example if you have 30 atoms and for each atom
>you would like to calculate up to d states (l=2),
>all atoms have different types, each site has a single component
>(i.e. not a random alloy) the following parameters are suitable:
>natmmx=30, ncmpmx=30, msizmx=270, mxlmx=3