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Replies : 2 Last Post : January 13, 2013 (Sun) 13:21:47


error installation

Posted on : October 03, 2012 (Wed) 22:57:47

by error installation

please!! i need your help to solve this error

bendaou@bendaou-Compaq-610:~/Bureau/cpa2002v009c$ make
ifort -O3 -o source/specx.o -c source/specx.f
source/specx.f(78): error #7911: Adding this variable to common-block-object-list causes the common block size to exceed the maximum of 2147483647 bytes. [PEXF]
& ,wk8((2*mxlmx-1)**2*mxlmx*24)
source/specx.f(78): error #7911: Adding this variable to common-block-object-list causes the common block size to exceed the maximum of 2147483647 bytes. [GI]
& ,wk8((2*mxlmx-1)**2*mxlmx*24)
source/specx.f(78): error #7911: Adding this variable to common-block-object-list causes the common block size to exceed the maximum of 2147483647 bytes. [GM]
& ,wk8((2*mxlmx-1)**2*mxlmx*24)
source/specx.f(78): error #7911: Adding this variable to common-block-object-list causes the common block size to exceed the maximum of 2147483647 bytes. [RSTR]
& ,wk8((2*mxlmx-1)**2*mxlmx*24)
source/specx.f(78): error #7911: Adding this variable to common-block-object-list causes the common block size to exceed the maximum of 2147483647 bytes. [HH]
& ,wk8((2*mxlmx-1)**2*mxlmx*24)
source/specx.f(44): error #6502: COMMON cannot be extended beyond the beginning of a block. [WKC]
& ,wkc(1),detl(msex,2),det(lengx)
source/specx.f(44): error #7911: Adding this variable to common-block-object-list causes the common block size to exceed the maximum of 2147483647 bytes. [WKC]
& ,wkc(1),detl(msex,2),det(lengx)
compilation aborted for source/specx.f (code 1)



[Re:01] error installation

Posted on : January 12, 2013 (Sat) 16:10:31

by mus

Bendaou O: I went through the same trouble u have had trying to compile the cpa2002 with intel fortran. you can change the makefile (it's legal) as the author of the code even gives these rights, he even put comments ### for alternatives as the code is platfrom dependenI . I followed Steve's suggestion by adjusting the compiler switch as -mcmodel=medium (and large) (you can do that by going to the makefile and put flag = -03 -mcmodel=medium or flag = -03 -mcmodel=medium -i-dynamic as suggested in some other places) ... well it just doesnt produce the executable specx u are looking for ........... I tried the fort77 (your can easily install it in ubuntu : sudo apt-get install fort77 and change the flag to fort77) but produces errors ......... the only compiler that worked for me ,though with a poor performance compared to what someone would expect from ifort , is gfortran (again which u can easily install from ubuntu repositories) .. if I figure out how to run it using intel fortran , I will let u know.

Check my reply in machikaneyama ....



[Re:02] error installation

Posted on : January 13, 2013 (Sun) 13:21:47

by Koji Kobashi

The Akai-KKR is written using Fortran 77, and includes "common" command in one of the subroutines, and only once. The command is no longer used in Fortran 95, for instance, and could be a source of trouble. The Akai-KKR, however, works on g77 on LInux (Cent OS has g77 in its package). It appears that the Akai-KKR also works on gfortran, but I have never looked into it in detail. Professor Akai's group seems to use ifort (intel fortran?) but I do not know. Hope this is of any help for you.